Thursday, June 12, 2014

Disciplines Of The Heart

Since I've been more involved in practicing mindfulness, I discovered that mindfulness is the antidote to multitasking.
Multitasking makes it easier for our brain to succumb to distraction, while mindfulness helps us recognised when we have become distracted-- allowing us to get back to the present moment.

Does the command to "pray unceasingly" from the Scripture seem impossible if we are busy for even ten minutes a day? According to the author of "Disciplines of the Heart", Anne Ortlund, the issue of prayer isn't the task of prayer - it's God! Prayer is simply the measuring device for the state of your relationship with God.  Communion with God is resting in God always, even in the midst of your busy life. This is what you do while you do what you are doing!

To rest is to live in total acceptance of God's way. It doesn't merely mean a "quiet time" for prayer preceded by and followed by the old frantic rat race, as doing that gives your brain mixed signals which breed confusion. Resting demands quiet all the time. However active your external life may be, God wants you to develop between your two ears, in the disciple of your heart, a lifelong attitude of rest in Him. To truly rest is to be mindful of the Presence of God, and the Divine Guidance in the here and now, moment by moment.

"Deep within your vast interior a tabernacle God built to commune with you. From it He calls you with tender urgency. And from the farthest reaches of your inner space an ache of yearning echoes back His call." ~ John White

As always, please share your thoughts, stories and questions below. Your interaction creates a living wisdom for us all to benefit from. 

1 comment:

Tom Beard said...

Interesting thoughtts